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Tennis industry leaders must understand that college tennis is the primary source of the workforce for teaching professionals who drive the United States tennis industry.
Sports Pros Connect - SportsEdTV - Short Odds & Ends - New Tomohopper - Dave Miley and Kazakhstan Tennis - INTENNSE - USA Tennis Tour
Padelmunity - Nichols - Cage 91 - Padel State - Padel Alto - Marcos Del Pilar
The Dink, Pickleball 901, Pickleball Magazine, and much more
Sports Pros Connect - Bill Patton - Fernando Segal
Extraordinary coaches with amazing ideas and methods
We let Susan Nardi's students speak
Looking back at tennis to analyze some very relevant issues and see how they evolved would be helpful.
Rod Heckelman on the importance of guests for the growth of your facility
Tennibot and Wingfield